A Glimpse into Nature’s Beauty: The Serenity of Dew Drops and Spiderwebs

sun lights the dew drops
in the early part of day
spider web nearby

I made the fractal on June 14, 2022. The haiku was written by me yesterday, March 10, 2023.

Tomorrow morning at 2:00 AM we “spring forward.” That means, for those who use daylight saving time, it’s that time of year when we change our clocks forward one hour. Then, on November 5th of this year, we “fall back” by setting them back one hour. I really don’t know how I feel about daylight saving time. I could live with or without it. But in the end, I like having as much sunlight as possible.

Be sure to visit my linktree page to see a small number of my products and other art and poetry. I will be adding more soon! https://linktr.ee/StaceyGuenther

Secret of Design

I made this fractal on February 20, 2023.

Here is a haiku I wrote on March 3, 2023:

sitting on the couch
watching the stormy rains fall
tornado warning

I hope everyone is having an excellent March so far. Today, I was thinking about my piano teacher from when I was younger. She was like a best friend to me. She impacted my life considerably, and she was a role model. She loved animals and treated humans with respect and friendliness. I learned a lot from her about how to be a kind human. I will forever be thankful that she was in my life. I miss her.

I don’t have many of my fractals or artwork for sale yet, but some are available on prints, t-shirts, and other items. There are digital downloads available on my DeviantArt, Etsy, and ArtStation sites as well. For a list of all my websites and where my fractals and art can be found, please see this website: https://linktr.ee/StaceyGuenther I have also added a donations widget to the sidebar of this WordPress blog. Thanks for looking and reading!

WordPress Daily Prompt February 25, 2023

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

When I was a teenager, I did a lot of drawing with pencil, pen, chalk, pastels, and more. I also painted. I made a lot of traditional art. I was the president of the art club when I was in high school. I got to be pretty good and developed some nice skills. I even won an award from a congressman.

Sadly, after I graduated from high school, I stopped making traditional art. I focused on mathematics and computer science in college, but I completely left art behind. I stopped practicing my techniques. I have since moved on to digital art, but I no longer know how to draw or paint with traditional media.

The advice I would give my teenage self is this: “Don’t stop making art. Keep practicing. You can make art and enjoy math and computers at the same time.

If I had continued with my art abilities as a teenager and into college, my digital art skills would be even better today, and I’d also be able to say I can make traditional art as well.

WordPress Prompt for February 12, 2023, and a Haiku

You get some great, amazingly fantastic news. What’s the first thing you do?

When I get good news, the first thing I do is tell my husband. I also share the news with my mom and sister. Then, if I think other people might be interested, I post the news to Facebook and other social media sites, including blogs.

Here is a haiku I wrote today.

a few ducks lined up
on a floating oak tree branch
three turtles visit

WordPress Prompt for February 5, 2023

Something on your “to-do list” that never gets done.

There are many things on my to-do list that never get done. For the sake of brevity, I will mention just one of them in this blog post.

As some of you already know, I make art and do other creative projects. The art I make these days is strictly digital. However, over the past six months, I have bought a lot of art supplies so that I can make some traditional art. I used to make traditional art when I was younger. My problem now is that I can’t seem to get started making it. I keep making things digitally.

I want to use oil and chalk pastels, and make watercolor paintings. I want to draw with alcohol markers, pencils, pens, and fine-liners. I want to use my PrismaColor colored pencils, especially, because I bought the biggest set. I want to use my special art paper to draw and paint on. There is so much I want to do, but I don’t get it done.

I made this fractal on January 30, 2023.

WordPress Prompt for February 4, 2023

What’s your favorite thing to cook?

This may come as a bad surprise for many people, but I don’t cook. I simply don’t enjoy cooking. I do sometimes throw frozen food in the microwave, though, if that can be considered cooking.

When I was growing up, my mom did all the cooking. She cooked everything until the day I left home when I was 19. I moved in with my boyfriend, and he did all the cooking until our divorce in 2010. My next boyfriend did the cooking, again. Then, when I met my second husband in 2015, he did all the cooking. He still does it.

I have tried cooking before and I’ve made some delicious meals. My husband John was very impressed and enjoyed the food I made. However, I am not interested in cooking, and I do not find it to be fun or enjoyable in any way, other than the process of eating the food afterward.

John is 31 years older than I, so if I outlive him, I will have no choice but to cook my own meals. I am not looking forward to that. But, I can’t live off microwave food forever.

I made this fractal on January 28th, 2023.

WordPress Prompt for February 3, 2023

Write about your first computer.

My first computer was an Apple IIe. I was a kid in the 1980s when my parents got it for me and my younger sister. We kept the computer in the bedroom that my sister and I shared.

I spent a lot of time on that computer. I played games like The Oregon Trail and Math Blaster. I also made digital art using a programming language by Turtle Graphics called Logo.

The Math Blaster game really fueled my love of math. I went on to get a bachelor’s degree in mathematics with a minor in computer science when I graduated from college. Also, having a computer at such a young age has helped me to be skilled at using computers and electronics in my adulthood.

I’m glad I got started making art on a computer as a child, because I use computers, phones, and tablets to make art these days. I’ve had a lot of practice, and, while I also have made traditional art in the past, my main obsession in my mid 40s is using computers and other electronics to make digital art, write poetry, and make music.

Incidentally. I apologize for neglecting my blog. I hope to take better care of it in the future and stay in better touch with my blogging friends.

Dog Chieftain – A Haiku

not that way! this way!
the little dog is captain
steering the human

I wrote this haiku based on a picture prompt found on the following blog:

Keith Channing at the Keith Kreates blog has writing challenges. His most recent is an ekphrastic challenge to write a story or poem based on a cute photograph of a dog standing on a woman’s back. The challenge can be found here: https://keithchanning.wordpress.com/2022/07/25/kreative-kue-370/