WordPress Daily Prompt February 25, 2023

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

When I was a teenager, I did a lot of drawing with pencil, pen, chalk, pastels, and more. I also painted. I made a lot of traditional art. I was the president of the art club when I was in high school. I got to be pretty good and developed some nice skills. I even won an award from a congressman.

Sadly, after I graduated from high school, I stopped making traditional art. I focused on mathematics and computer science in college, but I completely left art behind. I stopped practicing my techniques. I have since moved on to digital art, but I no longer know how to draw or paint with traditional media.

The advice I would give my teenage self is this: “Don’t stop making art. Keep practicing. You can make art and enjoy math and computers at the same time.

If I had continued with my art abilities as a teenager and into college, my digital art skills would be even better today, and I’d also be able to say I can make traditional art as well.

WordPress Prompt for February 12, 2023, and a Haiku

You get some great, amazingly fantastic news. What’s the first thing you do?

When I get good news, the first thing I do is tell my husband. I also share the news with my mom and sister. Then, if I think other people might be interested, I post the news to Facebook and other social media sites, including blogs.

Here is a haiku I wrote today.

a few ducks lined up
on a floating oak tree branch
three turtles visit